So I’ve Heard You’ve Got Good Taste…

Hey pals. So word on the street is that you not only have quite an eye for style, but perhaps even better taste… And praise God for that because I sure could use some of it today!

Let me ask: "Have you ever decided the subtitle of a book?" 

Probably Not? Well gosh, you're in good company- because me either. But today we get to do that together! Wow, I feel closer to you already...

Next week the final manuscript for twenty something gets submitted, but for the life of me, I haven't been able to land on a subtitle or decide on the "Author Photo." Sounds fancy, right? (It's not actually, I'm just the worst at decision-making, which is why I need you!)

If you've got 5 minutes, just click HERE to help me decide what subtitle & photo will go directly onto the book!  *Survey is now expired.

And hey, THANK YOU. Your helpful advice will help me make some serious strides today. I knew you were the person to ask... You're picky, and I like it ;)

With Gratitude, Cimber 

PS) Big-time shout out to my buddy Dillon for all the stellar photos he took for me! For more of a glimpse into his image catalog, find him over on Instagram: @treydillon


Wanna Be my Book’s Godparent?