Wanna Be my Book’s Godparent?

… Cause it’s almost Launch Team time, pals!

Yes, there are cool uniforms & inspiring chants involved & ok, ok, that bit’s not true, but I promise it’ll be a lot of fun!

We are officially weeks away from when my debut book twenty something will be making its way into the world, and I'd love to consider you as a potential godparent!

Lord knows I need help birthing this book baby because I wrote it for twenty-something women everywhere who need a little encouragement as they walk through this dynamic decade. So yep, I NEED YOU and other passionate, prayerful, fun, connected people like you who are committed to helping launch this book with some love and support. Because I GET IT, gals. I know navigating life as a twenty-something in today’s world can be really freaking tough. But can it be fun, freeing, and filled with more purpose than we could dream of? ABSOLUTELY. That’s why I wrote it, to remind you of that.

So if you wanna join the launch team, or have more questions about what to expect from the one expecting (that’s me, lol) please keep reading!

The Role:

If you are selected to be part of #teamtwentysomething, you’ll be asked to:

  • Read the entire book.

  • After the book’s release, write a one to two sentence review on the following sites: Amazon & Goodreads. We will provide you helpful resources for this!

  • Share the book on your social media platforms with the shareable material we provide.

  • Purchase either a hard copy or the electronic copy of the book after its release.

  • Interact with the Facebook group to stay up to date on launch team (#teamtwentysomething) information. You will need a Facebook account.

The Perks:

  • A complimentary ebook copy of twenty something, and guess what, you get it before anyone else!

  • Exclusive invitation to the private twenty something Facebook group where you’ll interact with me & other members.

  • Invitation to the Book Release Party happening in November (location will be East Texas, but hey, you’d be totally invited)!

  • A few other launch team goodies & opportunities for give-aways from yours truly, awww…

  • An insider’s look & contribution toward a book launch!

  • Treasure in heaven (ok- I can’t guarantee this one but it’s a nice thought).

The Frequently Asked Questions:

  • What’s a launch team? A launch team is a group of people who are passionate about helping spread the word about this book. They are willing to show up and speak up for it, and use their connections to help promote its message!

  • Why did you write this book? I started writing a few years ago to help me process my life experiences before turning thirty, but I finished writing this book for YOU. Serving and discipling women throughout their twenties has been the deepest joy of my life, so this book was simply an act of obedience, to share real stories from real life that mostly involve me learning things the hard way. But I care about us living in the truth and hope of Jesus, so He can transform and inform every area of our lives: relationships, work, disappointments, opportunities, our biggest days and darkest hours. And I sincerely hope and pray these stories will encourage you on your journey, and if anything, I’m counting on it giving you a few chuckles, and the realization that you’re not alone, or crazy, or at least not both at the same time. And most of all, hopefully you’ll see just how good God is, despite how amazingly screwed-up we all somehow seem to be.

  • What’s the book about? Knitting. Just kidding, I don’t know anything about that. Twenty something is a collection of hilarious and strangely relatable stories that will resonate with anyone walking the wild unpredictability and daily monotony of the twenty-something life. Although navigating life as a twenty-something gal is equally exciting and daunting, I challenge readers with deep, yet raw truth to combat its unpredictability, finding that it is faith that fills the gaps of our ever-evolving existence.

  • Do I have to be a twenty-something gal to apply? Nope! We believe in equal-opportunity over here people! Although women in their twenties are the target demographic for the book, I pray the truth communicated will benefit other decades too.

  • Will everyone automatically get a spot on the launch team? Not automatically, but it’s also very likely that all applicants will be accepted! And we sincerely appreciate every single application- plus, no matter what, we want you to apply, and more importantly, think you’re super cool. If you are selected, you will receive an email from us!

  • What’s the time commitment? An eternity (not really, yikes). But this is a four-week commitment. We will start prepping to launch 3 weeks before the book is released, then for one week after! In other words, you’ll have 3 weeks to read the book and interact with the Facebook group, then we will spend 1 week focusing on the promotion of the book.

  • Do book launches involve space travel at all? Surprisingly no, I wish… But it will require a little space in your schedule.

The Application:

If you’re still interested in applying, just fill out the short survey HERE! *Application is now closed, but feel free to email me at cimbercummings@gmail.com for questions!


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